玛吉托姆 '25





Rochester, Minnesota





玛吉托姆 ’25, a recipient of the Carthage Highest 荣誉 Scholarship, chose Carthage not only for its 博彩网址大全体育运动 programs, but also for its small class sizes 和 the relationships she is able to build 与 professors 和 other students. “I chose Carthage because it felt like the right fit,” she said. “The 博彩网址大全 和 体育运动 are what I was looking for. I wanted to go somewhere 与 small class sizes so I could get to know my professors 和 classmates.”

As a major in neuroscience 与 a minor in 化学, Maggie has been able to work in a lab, pursue unique 研究 opportunities, study abroad. Some of her favorite memories on campus also include celebrating 与 her teammates on the women’s soccer team

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“The faculty at Carthage have helped me find opportunities I didn’t know were available. Your professors want you to succeed 和 are always willing to help if you ask.”

玛吉托姆, ’25

教师 mentors

“The faculty at Carthage have helped me find opportunities I didn’t know were available. Having a good relationship 与 your professors will only benefit you. I have gotten involved in 研究 just by reaching out to see if there were openings. Your professors want you to succeed 和 are always willing to help if you ask.”

Favorite class

“My favorite class has been Neuroscience Research Methods. For the lab, we are involved in the rat lab 和 get to help run experiments. We also work 与 brain tissue, which I thought was super cool!”

Toughest class

“My hardest class has been Genetics. It involves a lot of independent studying 和 information to grasp.”

Campus involvement

“I am on the women’s soccer team. I am also the vice president of the Pre-Health Club 和 a member of the Neuroscience Club

Golden opportunities

“I am involved in 研究Professor Sarah Terrill. We collect 和 stain tissue to look at different brain structures. This past January, I was able to go on the Honduras J-Term study tour. This was an amazing experience! We got to scuba dive for a week before going to Copan 和 learning about the history of the area.”

Internships or campus employment

“I am the department fellow for the Neuroscience Department. One of my roles for this is to manage the rat lab. I make the schedule for the other student lab assistants, help prepare the lab for classes, make chemical solutions.”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot is probably behind . We play s和 volleyball 和 spike ball when it is nice outside, there is always something going on. My favorite spot to study is the basement of the Hedberg Library.”

Favorite memory

“Some of my favorite memories so far are 与 my friends. Last year, everyone would go to the beach once the weather got nice. There was one weekend that so many people from school went, everyone was playing spike ball 和 enjoying the nice weather. Another favorite moment of mine was when my teammate scored a goal 与 five seconds left to win a game. Our entire team was cheering 和 celebrating, this is a very happy memory that I have.”

Biggest surprise

“The biggest surprise has been how much I have enjoyed some of my 化学 classes. I did not like 化学 in high school, but I really like the classes I have taken so far. The labs are also very interesting, we get to do a lot of fun experiments.”

Advice for other students in your major?

“Some advice would be to try to go outside your comfort zone. The lab is lots of fun 和 a great experience if you’re willing to put yourself out there!”