Siovahn Williams, Ed.D.

  • Chair, Master in Education Program; Director, Urban Teaching Preparation Program; Director, Accelerated Certification in Teaching; Assistant Professor of Education
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    LH 334

    Siovahn Williams是一位18岁的资深城市教育工作者,她的职业生涯始于在芝加哥公立学校为高中生提供外联服务的专家. 通过联邦三重奏计划在三一高等教育组织开始, 西瓦恩负责大学预科项目,旨在为来自弱势背景的学生识别和提供服务. 在此期间,西瓦恩还开始在透视学院为芝加哥公立学校任教.

    Over 12 years ago, Siovahn moved to Kenosha, Wisconsin. 她在基诺沙联合学区担任阅读干预师. Siovahn is the co-founder of the Culture and Diversity Club.

    In her current role at Carthage, Siovahn是城市教育准备项目的项目经理,也是教育部的兼职教员. 她还曾在威斯康星大学帕克赛德分校担任兼职教员, 她在那里为六年级到十二年级的学生设计了一门关于商业创业和管理的暑期课程.

    西沃恩获得了课程与教学硕士学位,并获得了阅读证书. She finished her dissertation on urban education.

    Siovahn是一位屡获殊荣的教师,2014年获得了Phi Betta Kappa颁发的杰出教师奖.

    • Education Doctorate, Organizational Leadership — Northcentral University
    • 威斯康星康考迪亚大学文学教学艺术硕士
    • Certification Teacher Certification, Type 777 Reading License, Type 316 — Viterbo University Online Teaching Certification
    • B.S., Business and Communications 
    • EDU 1010: Education and Society
    • EDU 5240: Qualitative Research
    • EDU 5520: Development and Content Area Reading
    • EDU 5140: Development of Curricula

    January 14, 2021, Carthage College receives a $150,000 grant for Urban Teacher Preparation Program Kenosha, Wis. The William & Sheila Konar Foundation has awarded Carthage College a grant of $150,为城市教师预备计划(UTPP)的持续发展提供资金。. Building on the College’s existing urban education minor, 该计划旨在扩大有能力并致力于在城市小学任教的教育工作者的数量. UTPP的目标是解决目前全国面临的教师高流动率危机,这些博彩网址大全于充满挑战的城市社区的学生.

    According to Burns, Darling-Hammond, & Scott (2019), teachers indicated their reasons for leaving urban schools included the following: Inadequate pay and benefits; stress, pressure, and burnout; a lack of respect/feeling valued; and student behavior. (Burns, D., Darling-Hammond, L., & Scott, C. 2019).

    博彩网址大全的城市教师预备课程通过让学生沉浸在经验丰富的城市教育者独特而复杂的工作中,使自己与其他教育课程区别开来. 教师候选人从大学一年级到毕业四年级,都要与城市的专业教师教练一起工作, providing an opportunity for personal growth and professional development.

    威廉和希拉科纳尔基金会赠款提供资金支持UTPP学生招聘, research data collection, programmatic activities, professional development stipends for expert urban educators, and community engagement.

    UTPP的目标与威廉和希拉·科纳尔基金会的使命一致,即通过促进教育机会来改善生活, access to health care, and a more tolerant civil society. With large numbers of low-income families, urban districts typically struggle for resources, and students often lag behind their peers. UTPP通过密集的学生教学和课程,专门解决影响K-12学生的学习挑战,为学生应对这些挑战做好准备.

    Faculty experts indicate that, with better preparation, 教师不仅可以克服城市教育的挑战,还可以避免职业倦怠. The key, they say, 学习将学生的文化和社会经济差异视为优势而不是缺陷吗. That matches the acute external need.

    In 2015, 当时教育部主席杰奎琳·伊斯利(Jacqueline Easley)就新项目的选择对地区校长进行了调查, more than two-thirds identified urban education as the greatest need.

    “As an urban educator for my entire career, 我常常在想,为什么大学没有在培养学生从事城市教育方面做得更好,” said Richard Wytonick, 威斯康辛州拉辛联合学区纳普小学校长. “博彩网址大全城市教师预备计划是我一直在等待的,它可以阻止我们在城市教育中面临的不断更替. 这个项目的学生真正沉浸在体验中,我知道当他们毕业的时候, 他们将准备好必要的技能,在一个非常困难的环境中取得成功. 这个项目的任何毕业生申请我所领导的学校的空缺职位都会自动获得面试机会. That’s how strongly I believe in this program.”

    The Konar gift will further the expansion beyond Southeastern Wisconsin, growing the program nationally, 首先是与罗切斯特大学东部高中教学与学习研究所建立新的合作伙伴关系. With funding from the William and Sheila Konar Foundation, 博彩网址大全的城市教师准备计划将在未来三年内继续扩大规划和研究.

    UTPP expansion will include a variety of activities focused on increasing the number of teacher candidates and expert urban educators; expanding and strengthening external partnerships nationally; Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) certification for Teacher Candidates; and launching the Institute of Urban Education-Urban by Choice: Pipeline to College, 为想要从事教学事业的初高中学生提供的暑期大学预备课程. Education Department Senior Student Teaching Annual Scholarship Fund.

    In addition to the expansion grant, Carthage will receive $5,000 from the Konar Foundation at the direction of faculty member Dr. 米歇尔·汉考克是基金会教育顾问委员会的志愿者.

    This year, 这笔捐款将为教育项目中在学生教学学期中遇到困难的高年级学生提供紧急援助奖学金.

    Read more about Carthage’s Urban Teacher Preparation Program

    Burns, D., Darling-Hammond, L., & Scott, C. (2019). 缩小机会差距:加州的偏远地区在博彩网址大全更深入学习的公平机会方面表现得多么积极. Report, Learning Policy Institute, Stanford University.